Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Training Flights a Success

efficiency, performance and versatility.

Mojave Air and Spaceport, California 27th March 2009-The test flying programme for WhiteKnightTwo (WK2), the space launch vehicle being developed for Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo (SS2) has now completed its third successful test flight - the longest and fastest to date with a duration of over two and half hours,maximum speed of 140 knots and an altitude of over 18,000 ft. The flight also saw a further 7 tests successfully completed including in flight engine restarts, engine thrust asymmetry assessment and continued expansion of WK2’s operating envelope and evaluation of WK2's handling qualities.

In addition to launching SS2, the WK2 also has a range of science payload and training applications including the potential to launch an unmanned rocket capable of putting a satellite into low Earth orbit. Test pilot Peter Siebold who also piloted the first two missions said:“This is a truly remarkable aviation vehicle and, although it might look unique from the ground it is not strange to fly in any way and is in fact a great piloting experience. Now the stratosphere is the limit as we will continually test Eve (WK2) for the next few months up to her ceiling of above 50,000 ft.” Christened “EVE” in honor of Sir Richard Branson’s mother, WK2 is both visually remarkable and represents ground-breaking aerospace technology. It is the world’s largest all carbon composite aircraft and many of its component parts have been built using composite materials for the very first time. At 140 ft, the wing spar is, we believe, the longest single carbon composite aviation structural component ever manufactured.

Driven by a demanding performance specification set by Virgin Galactic, WK2 has a unique heavy lift, high altitude capability and an open architecture driven design which provides for maximum versatility in the weight, mass and volume of its payload potential. It has the power, strength and manoeuvrability to provide for pre space-flight, positive G force and zero G astronaut training as well as a lift capability which is over 30% greater than that represented by a fully crewed SpaceShipTwo. The vehicle has a maximum altitude over 50,000 ft and its U.S. coast-to-coast range will allow the spaceship to be ferried on long duration flights. An all carbon composite vehicle of this size represents a giant leap for a material technology that has already been identified as a key contributor to the increasingly urgent requirement by the commercial aviation sector for dramatically more fuel efficient aircraft. Powered by four Pratt and Whitney PW308A engines, which are amongst the most powerful, economic and efficient available, WK2 is a mold breaker in carbon efficiency and the epitome of 21st century aerospace design and technology. The twin fuselage and central payload area configuration allow for easy access to WK2and to
the spaceship for passengers and crew; the design also aids operational efficiencies and turnaround times. WK2 will be able to support up to four daily space flights, is able to carry out both day and night time operations and is equipped with a package of highly advanced avionics.

Commenting on the flights, Burt Rutan, Founder of Scaled Composites Said: "WhiteKnightTwo really is an impressive vehicle and it represents the apogee of the application of carbon composites to aerospace, all of us at Scaled are tremendously excited by its capabilities. I believe the vehicle will be developed and sold for a variety of launch applications beyond the initial requirements of Virgin Galactic.”

Sir Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Galactic added:
“As usual, Burt and the team have created a beauty that also flies really well and this is a very proud day for us all! These first flights of WK2 take the Virgin Galactic vision up another level and continue to provide tangible evidence that this most ambitious of projects is not only for real but is making tremendous progress towards our goal of safe commercial operation. I am looking forward to flying myself in Eve in the next few weeks before we attach SpaceShipTwo later in the year and begin test flights to space shortly afterwards!

Virgin Galactic is central to our ambition at Virgin to become the world’s leading group in the operation of energy and environmentally efficient transportation, in the air, on the ground and in space.”

Friday, March 20, 2009

Unveil Mother Ship

Virgin Galactic Unveils New Mother Ship
"Everyone should desire to do one special, unforgettable thing in their lives... and I must say, this could be it."
Sir Richard Branson

While the Dark Knight is breaking box–office records, this year’s real blockbuster was the unveiling of WhiteKnightTwo (WK2), Virgin Galactic’s new mothership. Christened "Eve" in honor of Virgin Group owner Sir Richard Branson’s mother, WK2 will ferry Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo (SS2). The launch vehicle marks yet another milestone for the world’s first commercial spaceline, which will allow individuals to embark on a sub–orbital travel experience that, up until now, has been reserved for the very privileged few.

Using groundbreaking aerospace technology, WK2 represents the world’s largest all–carbon composite aircraft and will launch SS2 at 50,000 feet. WK2 has a U.S. coast–to–coast range that allows the spaceship to be ferried on long–duration flights. The mothership also signals a new era of aerospace fuel efficiency, using the most powerful and economic engines available, along with an advanced type of fuel that has minimal environmental consequences.

The first passenger flights are expected to begin as early as 2010, and tickets are available exclusively in North America through your Virtuoso travel advisor. Working together with a Virtuoso "Accredited Space Agent" your travel advisor can make your dream of space travel a reality!

This "democratization of space" says Branson, heralds a new era in mankind’s history. "Instead of being citizens of a country, we’ll be citizens of the world." And while the $200,000 price tag may limit the first space flights to a small group of discriminating travelers, Branson believes that the costs will soon be within reach for many adventurers. "The day is not far off when someone will be thinking, ‘Hmm, do I take my family this summer to Africa or Australia for holiday, or do I take them into space?’"

Book Your Ticket to Space now!!

First flights are expected to launch in 2010 ...
but the journey begins the moment your clients make a booking.

Exclusive Astronaut Benefits
From the moment they book, they are treated like a VIP —

High degree of involvement in the project as it progresses.
Invitations to milestone events for exclusive access to the project.
Invitations to exclusive hosted trips for fun and networking with the Virgin Galactic team.
Access to dedicated website, Facebook-style exclusive to Virgin Galactic customers.

The Countdown
Astronauts will spend 3 days preparing for their journey at Spaceport America in New Mexico.

Launch minus 3:
Astronauts checked into the Astronaut Hotel
Relax in the company of the flight crew & fellow passengers

Launch minus 2:
Meet the team that will spend the next 3 days with them.
Final medical checks.
Spacesuit Fitting
Dress rehearsal inside SpaceShipTwo
Flight Training / Launch Simulation
G-force Training

Launch minus 1:
Zero-Gravity & reentry training
Operating "Personal Communications Console"
Final Flight De-briefing

Take-Off Day
Photo Op with fellow astronauts, loved ones, and family
Family & friends proceed to viewing area - live hookup to view astronauts in space.
Astronauts board SpaceShipTwo & prepare for takeoff.
Return safely to the Earth!
Pilot presents Virgin Galactic Astronaut Wings to new Astronauts.
Astronaut De-Briefing
Splash-down Party for Astronauts & Guests

Launch plus 1:
Personal flight experience recorded & presented on DVD.
Virgin Galactic will give you a new perspective on ... everything! How long will it last? A lifetime.

Global Impact
Their early involvement in this project helps with the development of cheaper, safer and more environmentally friendly access to space for tourism and science.
Virgin intends to use WhiteKnightTwo to test environmentally benign aviation fuel.
Long term plans include the development of technology for hypersonic point-to-point flights that would enable people to travel across the world in just a few hours with minimal environmental impact.