Friday, March 20, 2009

Book Your Ticket to Space now!!

First flights are expected to launch in 2010 ...
but the journey begins the moment your clients make a booking.

Exclusive Astronaut Benefits
From the moment they book, they are treated like a VIP —

High degree of involvement in the project as it progresses.
Invitations to milestone events for exclusive access to the project.
Invitations to exclusive hosted trips for fun and networking with the Virgin Galactic team.
Access to dedicated website, Facebook-style exclusive to Virgin Galactic customers.

The Countdown
Astronauts will spend 3 days preparing for their journey at Spaceport America in New Mexico.

Launch minus 3:
Astronauts checked into the Astronaut Hotel
Relax in the company of the flight crew & fellow passengers

Launch minus 2:
Meet the team that will spend the next 3 days with them.
Final medical checks.
Spacesuit Fitting
Dress rehearsal inside SpaceShipTwo
Flight Training / Launch Simulation
G-force Training

Launch minus 1:
Zero-Gravity & reentry training
Operating "Personal Communications Console"
Final Flight De-briefing

Take-Off Day
Photo Op with fellow astronauts, loved ones, and family
Family & friends proceed to viewing area - live hookup to view astronauts in space.
Astronauts board SpaceShipTwo & prepare for takeoff.
Return safely to the Earth!
Pilot presents Virgin Galactic Astronaut Wings to new Astronauts.
Astronaut De-Briefing
Splash-down Party for Astronauts & Guests

Launch plus 1:
Personal flight experience recorded & presented on DVD.
Virgin Galactic will give you a new perspective on ... everything! How long will it last? A lifetime.

Global Impact
Their early involvement in this project helps with the development of cheaper, safer and more environmentally friendly access to space for tourism and science.
Virgin intends to use WhiteKnightTwo to test environmentally benign aviation fuel.
Long term plans include the development of technology for hypersonic point-to-point flights that would enable people to travel across the world in just a few hours with minimal environmental impact.

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